Optimizing User Experience to Improve SEO

However, it is important to consider a broader question: What do your visitors want If you are selling left-handed golf clubs, and you create a web page to rank on the search phrase lefty ping putters, what do you offer the visitors who come to that page from search Reviews Images Videos Putting tips The eCommerce catalog front and center This is the most important part of optimizing a user experience.
Creating a direct connection between the visitors arriving at your site, and what it is they are looking for. When you make this harder for them, metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and repeat visits will all suffer. When you make it easy, all of these metrics will improve. One strategy is to survey your site visitors.
If you don’t have a lot of traffic, consider using a PPC campaign to bring in a number of visitors and then get them to take the survey. Next, we outline a three-step process to create a survey to find out from people what they are looking for on your site.
Step 1: Build a Survey
Start with a short series of questions asking the survey taker to imagine he’s just performed the desired query. The basic structure is simple: request the top three content 592 CHAPTER EIGHT: HOW SOCIAL MEDIA AND USER DATA PLAY A ROLE IN SEARCH RESULTS AND pieces your audience desires, then ask specifically about features that would make the page worthy of sharing (this is important, because it often differs substantively from what makes a page merely answer the user’s query). Finally, you can ask him to actually do a search on the target query (you don’t want him to do it until the end, because what he finds might bias his responses) and report any results he liked, as these can provide additional insight.
Send It to Your Customers/Potential Customers
You can find customers or potential customers virtually anywhere—among your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or social network connections, through existing SEO traffic or PPC campaigns, and so on. Anyone who fits your customer demographic or is creative enough to imagine herself as part of that demographic will work. A link in the bottom of your email newsletter or a share.
On Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter can often do the job, too. You might even try posting a link in a relevant industry forum or discussion group (so long as you’re sure it won’t be perceived as Sammy).
Record Responses and Leverage Them to Build What the People Want
Once you have your results, analyze them to see what you have. If you need things clarified, repeat the survey. It is better to do this than to act prematurely on incomplete or ambiguous data. Once you have built the site based on users’ feedback, measure the results you get. Don’t be afraid to go back and make more refinements, or even conduct another survey, to continue to educate yourself about what your visitors want.
Last word
In this chapter, we have focused primarily on the interactions between social media and SEO. However, social media is itself a significant source of traffic. It deserves its own investigation and study. Here are some of the top resources available online to help guide you further into the world of social media.