Product News

ActionPower’s Modular and Scalable Power Test Equipment Architectures: Energizing the Future

The need for adaptable, high-performing test equipment is more important than ever in the rapidly evolving field of power electronics and energy systems. Power supply companies and their clients need power test solutions that can change with their needs and have the scalability and modularity to keep up with the industry’s rapid advancements. This is because power supply companies and their clients must navigate the constantly changing landscape of technology.

Let us introduce ActionPower, a renowned power supply company that has led the way in the development of cutting-edge power test equipment. ActionPower’s state-of-the-art modular and scalable power test equipment architectures enable power supply companies and their clients to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.

Unleashing Modularity’s Power

The fundamental principles of ActionPower’s power test equipment solutions are their dedication to scalability and modularity. The power supply company has developed a versatile platform that can be readily expanded and customized to meet the changing needs of their customers by employing a modular approach in the design of their systems.

The Bi-directional Programmable DC power supply from ActionPower’s PRD series is one of the most notable aspects of their modular power test equipment architectures. This novel solution weighs as little as 35 kg and provides up to 30 kW of power in a small 3U volume. The Bidirectional DC Power Supply, with its astounding 95% efficiency and mere 5% feedback loss, drastically minimizes the testing footprint, which makes it a perfect option for power supply companies and their clients who have to deal with typical commercial office transportation, load-bearing needs, and distribution requirements.

Bi-directional Programmable DC power supply of the PRD series: Scalable Solutions for Driving the Future

ActionPower’s power test equipment architectures are highly scalable and feature a modular design, which enables power supply companies to easily expand their testing capabilities in response to changing needs. One example of this scalability is the ability to accommodate up to 300 kW of capacity in a single standard 42U rack, giving power supply companies the flexibility to adjust to changing customer demands and market demands.

ActionPower is enabling power supply companies and their clients to customize power test equipment to meet their unique requirements, thereby streamlining testing procedures, cutting expenses, and maintaining a competitive edge.


ActionPower’s scalable and modular architectures for power test equipment are transforming the way power supply companies and their clients approach power testing. The power supply company gives its customers the flexibility, scalability, and performance that the modern power electronics industry requires in order to stay ahead of the curve, adjust to shifting market conditions, and open up new avenues for power electronics R&D and manufacturing.

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